Arts, Culture & Design 

Resource Kit

Sibongile Musundwa, Mission Curator (Arts, Culture & Design)

These days, Sibongile is coming to know herself as a cultural worker without specialisation. She has worked in cultural diplomacy as an arts project manager, been the director of a small not-for-profit creative hub, been a board  member for a national museum, created small online and podcast projects of her own, and in her earlier days she was a radio show host & music manager at her campus radio station! She has an MA in Media Theory and Practice, an Honours in Economics, and  is a Harvard South Africa fellow. She is drawn to beauty and wonder, the ways we make and find meaning in our lives.

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Creative Economy Outlook 2022

Africa's soft power: Can Africa's creativity transform the continent?

Artnet innovator's list 2022

The African film Industry: trends, challenges and opportunities for growth

ResiliArt 100

Culture: Global Public Good

Re|shaping Policies for Creativity: Addressing Culture as a Global Public Good

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